
Jail Construction Projects: Inform and Cast a Vision for your Community

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Even as communities live through the challenges and soaring costs that come with inmate overcrowding, overworked staff, and deteriorating buildings, it can be challenging to get buy-in for new jail construction.

A focused, factual approach can help you gain support from leaders and constituents by helping them understand:

  • Problems caused by a small or deteriorating structure
  • Projected costs for upkeep, upgrades, and compliance violations
  • Obstacles to inmate rehabilitation caused by inadequate facilities
  • Future capacity needs and cost comparisons 
  • And other issues a new facility or upgrade can address

Our guide, Jail Construction Projects: Inform and Cast a Vision for your Community, can help you navigate the path from awareness of the need to community support for new jail construction.

Cover_Build Community Support for a Jail Construction Project